We have been dealing with some stress in our lives and needless to say, Druck and Maggie are showing our age. Mirror checks reveal a haggardness we've never seen before, wrinkles that resemble the ripples in the bedsheets of an unmade bed, and eyes glossed over like props from a horror movie.
After having a fairly good week last week, we entered this week which has not been so good. Last night, after taking 3 Tums to ease my aching stomach and later, drinking a tea that is supposed to be soothing on the nerves and invite sleep, I crawled into bed and cried. And cried some more. Finally, spent from the tears, I rolled onto my side and tried to relax my racing mind. As my husband read on the other side of the bed, I felt him reach over and pat my shoulders and then he rolled over and said, "Do you want to hear about my bad day?" "I would love to," I replied, because his bad day stories are usually loaded with comic relief.
"So I went to get my oil changed today at the dealership and when I was checking out, I handed the girl behind the counter a coupon. 'Can I use this,' I asked her. 'Yes, you can,' she said. 'And you can use this 10% off coupon too.'"
"I looked at it," Druck said, "and it was a senior citizen coupon."
"'Oh. I can. . . I can use this too?' I asked the girl, a bit flustered and thinking she would clarify and say something like, 'Oh, yes, we're just giving that 10% off to everyone today.'"
By this time, I (Maggie) was screaming in laughter as I pictured the scene. Druck went on.
"There was a long, uncomfortable pause and she said to me, 'Yes, you can use it even if you aren't a senior citizen.' But it was clear to me that she had made a mistake and was trying to cover her tracks. So I took the discount and left."
"We need a vacation," I said.
"We need something," he said.
"Would you like a Tums?" I asked.
"No. I'll just stick with my Echinacea and Airborne for tonight."
"How exciting," I replied, kissing him goodnight and rolling over to dream about kidnappers in Tuscany, theft at the airport and talking Dove candy bars.
Copyright 2008 liamsgrandma