As we lay in bed after watching the results of the Election, we waited for the speeches. John McCain gave his speech and while we waited for Barack Obama to give his, I said to Druck, "If I doze off, would you just nudge me so I can see Obama's speech?"
Druck: Like this? (gives me a little nudge in the back).
Me: Maybe it should be two nudges. One might not do it.
Druck: Like this?
Me: OW! What'd you do that for?
Druck: You told me to nudge you. Do you want to be nudged or not?
Me: Not like that. Why are you such an extremist?
Druck: Now I'm an extremist?
Me: I asked to be nudged, not thrown off the bed.
Druck: OK. Like this?
Me: Not there. It tickles.
Druck: OK. Here?
Me: Yes. That's good. Just like that. And nothing more than that, ok?
Druck: I'll do it just like you said. For crying out loud!
Me: OK. But if I don't wake up after two nudges, just leave me be.
Druck: Now you want me to leave you be? Do you want to watch the speech or not?
Me: I. JUST. SAID. If I don't wake up after two nudges, leave me sleeping.
Druck: Sigh. Fine.
As we lay there waiting, I felt heavy panting on my neck. I turned to look and Druck had dozed off. He hadn't given me any instructions on whether he wanted to be nudged or not. I was in a quandary and decided to just let him sleep.
When Obama came on, however, I jiggled the bed slightly and Druck woke with a start. "What'd you do that for?"
"I didn't do anything. Now watch the speech and shut up."
Copyright 2008 liamsgrandma