Finding Joy can be difficult when we are surrounded by life's daily barrage of ups and downs. As I drove to work this morning, blasting the tune, "Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes" loud enough to drown out my tone-deaf shrieks that I occasionally insist is singing, I tried to comfort myself by remembering things I have done in the past to bring myself solace. Some of them have kept me snickering, some have bolstered my confidence, some have gotten me into trouble, and all of them help me to realize I am human and if we don't start seeking joy and truly living life now, will we ever? I hope that you will also try some sort of "joy-inducing idiocy" to relax, and stop to smell the roses or the grass or the smoke that occurs when you set a pan on fire.
Take time to enjoy nature. Lay out in the backyard in the freshly mowed grass on a summer's day, eyes half-closed, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, the warm breeze fluttering through your hair and the ants crawling down your back as you realize you have laid on a small but very active ant hill. After your screaming has subsided and you have no idea where your shirt is because you mistakenly flung it into the tree, go back and stomp the bejeepers out of that ant hill. Be sure to put another shirt on, however, before doing this (yes, I did make sure I was fully clothed when I went back outside).
Summer evenings are so luxurious when they are cool and a light breeze is blowing, keeping the mosquitoes away. When my husband is out of town, I have occasionally grabbed a blanket and laid on the chaise lounge beneath the stars on the patio, sleeping like a baby as the cool fresh air fills my lungs and lulls me to dreamland. Caution to those of you who are animal lovers or have cats. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, mistake a skunk for one of your cats and reach out to pet the thing as you roll over to the side of the chaise and see him under the patio table. "Here, sweetheart, come see mommy." Thankfully, I realized in time that the dark object turning its butt toward me and lifting its tail to spray was a skunk as I flung myself off of the chaise and, legs twisted in the blanket, slammed against the house with a womp. Yes, he sprayed, but he didn't get me as I scrambled to get inside, falling onto the kitchen floor with my legs still tangled in that vicious blanket. Still, I enjoyed every moment of being out there - up to that point - and have slept out there since then; I just don't try to pet anything.
Challenge your macho man neighbor to a spur of the moment sprint down the street at twilight on a sultry summer's evening. My legs are longer than any man's I have ever known and I can fly, people. So, while out to dinner one evening with my husband and my neighbors, Macho Man was touting his running virility. I snorted at his confidence. When we drove home, we got out of the car, I slipped off my heels and said, "OK, big boy, let's have at it." We sprinted down the street and, while he did beat me, it was by mere inches - less than 6. Had I not been in my barefeet, we all know the outcome would have been different. And the endorphin release was great.
Go pick up one of your kids, a spouse, a friend or an enemy. Just before they grab the passenger door handle, take off. Then go back and do it again. Repeat at least twice or until they are stomping and screaming at the curb. And make sure you look in the rearview mirror every time to see their expression. It changes a lot and, if you can let go of the fear of what they're going to do to you once they get in the car, you will be screaming with laughter at the sight of surprise, anger, irritability, etc.
Prank phone calls are a wonderful way to make friends. Or was that enemies? Call your brother, your sister, an in-law, a neighbor. Ask them in a husky voice what they are wearing. Or ask them that old one: "This is the General Electric operator. Can you please tell me if your refrigerator is running?" Believe it or not, some people still fall for that. Note: Make sure to dial *67 before calling the number so your number is blocked. And with today's technology, Caller ID is great (when it's not blocked). Last year, my brother-in-law called and I picked up the phone and with the loudest soprano I could muster, I belted out a Beverly Sills version of "Haaalllloooooo!!!!!!" I carried that note so long and so loud, allowing lilting drops and falls that would make Pavarotti scream for mercy. He immediately hung up. I stood there, hands clasped and giggling, waiting for him to call back. I repeated my opera but this time there was a long pause and then, "Is that you?" Well, of course it's me. You should know me by now.
I will never forget the toast my father-in-law made to me and my husband on our wedding day: "To my son and his bride...May your wildest dreams become your life." I took those words literally and am trying to live a good, honest, WILD life or, in the alternative, becoming the Luxurious Nut.
Copyright 2009 liamsgrandma