Sometimes we get overtired, overworked, overwrought. And with those things come consequences. Some get sick, some get run down, some don't sleep, some go crazy.
I recently met a grandmother who was raising two of her four grandchildren. She pretty much had all of the above going on with her. Not only had she adopted two of her grandchildren (the other two were with their other grandmother), but her retired husband was gone all day, everday, caring for his disabled and sick mother. He'd come home every night at dinner time, exhausted and worn, and the two would push through to get their 6 and 7 year old grandsons to bed. After that, they'd fall on the couch and stare at the TV for a few minutes before going to bed themselves and starting it all over again the next day. She told me her coping mechanisms were not good and she needed to learn how to relax more, how to cope and how to not be so stressed and resentful. She told me that when she looked at her husband, she saw brokenness. She said that she, too, is broken.
Are you broken? How do you handle stress and put your life back together once it seems to have broken into a million pieces?